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This page shows different postal usages of the "Wagner" charity stamps issued by Germany in 1933.

Official brochure published by the German postal service.

The issued stamps were:

Michelface valueColorÓperaPrinting13 1/2 x 13
13 1/2 x 14
4993 + 2 Rpf.BisterTannhäuser1.818.070X 
5004 + 2 Rpf.Dark blueFliegender Holländer2.516.880XX
5015 + 2 Rpf.Bright greenDas Rheingold1.618.361X 
5026 + 4 Rpf.Gray greenDie Meistersinger4.328.111XX
5038 + 4 Rpf.Deep orangeDie Walküre2.643.286XX
50412 + 3 Rpf.Brown redSiegfried5.220.555XX
50520 + 10 Rpf.BlueTristan und Isolde373.121XX
50625 + 15 Rpf.UltramarineLohengrin467.795X 
50740 + 35 Rpf.MagentaParsifal264.238X 

The different stamp combinations (Zusammendrucke) are:

W 476 + 4
W 486 + 4 + 6
W 494 + 6
W 504 + 6 + 4
W 51X + 8
W 52X + 8 + X
W 538 + X
W 548 + X + 8
W 5512 + 8
W 5612 + 8 + 12
W 578 + 12
W 588 + 12 + 8
S 114X + 12
SK 194 + 6(inv)
SK 208 + 12(inv)

Besides the stamps, a 6 + 4 Rpf stationery card was issued.
Some relevant cancels:

The set and card were postally valid from 1/nov/33 to 30/sep/34